

Wiebe, Danny, Bart, Han en Maurits are Soundpalette.
Music and sound for film, television, theatre and dance.

Listen, read, see.

Swingers (Stephan Brenninkmeijer, 2002)
“The film is full of music, especially because there’s a lot of background music hearable.
CD’s are played on stereosets to increase the atmosphere.”.

The Tulse Luper Suitcases (Peter Greenaway, 2003)
Doing the sound sounds somewhat vague, so to clarify the matter….
…Producing tones and sounds, that give character to the film, or influence it’s atmosphere.
Also called sounddesign.”.

Total loss (Dana Nechustan, 2000)
Total loss is a extremly stylish film that contains some very rewarding scenes for music…
A interesting part of the film is where one of the main characters tells a highly imaginative story about his experiences in Cologne.”.

Requires Flash Player and Quick Time Player

Categories : movies, music

The famous bean dish


A Genius, two Partners and a Dupe – Nobody is the Greatest (Damiano Damiani, 1975) is the first movie I’ve seen in my life.

So I must mention Terence Hill‘s website; there is a wide archive of photos and informations about his movies.
And, most of all, his famous recipe: the bean dish seen in the spaghetti-western They Call Me Trinity (E.B.Clucher, 1970).

Categories : movies

Dark Water: not the remake


Dark Water (2002), directed by Hideo Nakata.
Original title: “Honogurai mizu no soko kara”.

Categories : movies