Question Suggestions


Question Suggestions: “small voyages into the collective psyche of humans who ask Google questions.”. By Justin Talbott.

Some examples:

why is my girlfriend crazy
is there anybody out there
do we have a soul
can you take me higher
where is chuck norris….

Categories : online culture

Today’s Inspiration

During the second half of the 1950’s, Joe Bowler was one of the best and most popular illustrators at the Charles E. Cooper Studio.
Bowler did work for all the major magazines, and was especially well liked by the art directors of the women’s mags for his beautiful paintings of romantic couples.”.
Joe Bowler
Harry Anderson Harry Andersonworks directly from nature or from color slides.
He makes no preliminary sketch.
After he has tentatively finished a painting, he turns its face against a wall for several days and then brings it out for a fresh look.
He may examine it upside down or in a mirror to detect any flaws.”.
(Norman Kent, 100 Watercolor Techniques)

Today’s Inspiration: a blog and a collection on Flickr by Leif Peng.
“For those with an interest in illustration from the 40’s and 50’s.”.

Top, right: Joe Bowler, Art Directors Annual cover, detail, 1952.
Bottom, left: Harry Anderson, watercolor, from the Collection of the Society of Illustrators.

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Categories : illustration

Books At Home

Dieter Rams 606 “The Dieter Rams 606 Universal Shelving System is an incredibly beautiful bit of design thinking.
When it was introduced it must must have looked shockingly clean and industrial.
The main idea wasn’t so new; but Rams’ shelving was like a pure idea of storage come to life. It still is.
It’s difficult to imagine a system more stripped to its essence.”.
(Erik Heywood)

Books At Home: a blog about bookshelves by Erik Heywood.

Above: Vitsoe 606 (Dieter Rams, 1960), living room shelving.

Categories : design

Transistor radios


“…America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest.
A coke is a coke and no amount of money can get you a better coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking.
All the cokes are the same and all the cokes are good.”.

(Andy Warhol)

“…I guess the same could be said of transistor radios. They were as ubiquitous as soft drinks, items of pop culture.
Technology was going to make life easier and the newly invented transistor was on the leading edge of that brave new world.”.
(Michael Jack)

Regency TR-1

Transistor radios: a set on Flickr, by Michael Jack.

Above: Regency TR-1 (1954): the world’s first commercially released transistor radio.

Categories : design

Down by Law

Down by Law – “What are you doing on the outside?”
– “I was a DJ.”
– “What?”

Down by Law (Jim Jarmusch, 1986). With Tom Waits, John Lurie, Roberto Benigni.
The story of three different men in a Louisiana prison and their eventual journey.”.

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Categories : movies

Hiromi Uehara


Hiromi Uehara: Jazz, experimental, progressive.
Listen : The Tom and Jerry Show and Time Difference.

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Categories : music

Nerd Boyfriend

Michael Caine Nerd Boyfriend: “shopping guide and style blog for the fashionably nerdy male.
Men’s fashion, men’s style, vintage photographs, nerds.”.

Above: Sir Michael Caine, sleek loafers and knit tie.

Categories : photo

Asian Poses

“Asians are notorious for their quirky and cute poses and Asian Poses focuses on documenting these poses.”.
For example: surprised, fighting, pleading, nyan-nyan.
Kang Yui

Above: Puffy Cheeks pose, detail. Taken from: Model: Kang Yui.

1000 Awesome Things


“There’s something riveting about 1000 Awesome Things that makes you want to keep coming back. Aside from the great humor, it reminds you of the little things in life, and how awesome they can be.”.
(Leo Babauta)

1000 Awesome Things, by Neil Pasricha.

My favorites:

Categories : online culture



Signs. A short film about communication. By Patrick Hughes.

Requires Quick Time Player and broadband

Categories : movies