
(This is the post number 200)
The more I try to define what this blog is talking about, the more I think that it is talking about loneliness, nearly in every subject: music, films, illustration; in language, in psychology, in the books, even in design.
Maybe for this reason people stay here for a little time: tipically, a minute or two.

Categories : communication

The Mirror

The Mirror - Ads of the World The Mirror.
An advertising for people with eating disorders.

From Ads of the World. Music: Seaglopur by Sigur Rós.

Requires Quick Time Player



“One snowy winter night in Chicago a few years back, Davy went out to his car and found a note on his windshield, a note meant for someone else, a guy named Mario.”.

“We collect found stuff: love letters, birthday cards, kids’ homework, to-do lists, ticket stubs, poetry on napkins, doodles, anything that gives a glimpse into someone else’s life. Anything goes.”.

The Found Magazine, by Davy Rothbart and Jason Bitner.

Categories : communication

Modern Mechanix

Electronic memory “Yesterday’s tomorrow, today.”.
Modern Mechanix: what modern was. Enlightening.

Above: Era Magnetic Drum Storage Systems, advertisement, detail.
(Scientific American, 1953)
See under advertisements and computers.

Categories : communication



(This is the post number 100).

I always liked to imagine myself working in a radio, playing records.
In my imagination, this radio is a quiet and little room, isolated and nearly dark, where only a single person can stay: with a table lamp, just to read the titles.

As I said, I used to imagine me there, in a dim light, with my records.
I have usually thought, also, that I would not like to speak so much. Indeed, I would rather try to speak less than possible.

Speaking to fill the time, I don’t know how to deal with this. This need that certain style, and it seems to me to add uselessly things, things just explain themselves.
Actually, I never worked in a radio. I have this site.
(Andrea Pacquola)

Categories : communication

PubblicitĂ  progresso

Pubblicità Progresso* is a non-profit association established in 1971 with a view to giving voice to people’s moral, civil and educational problems. Since then, Pubblicità Progresso has carried out 30 social campaigns.”. Mad

Respect other’s opinion
(Bates Italia agency, 1973)

– Nobody has ever dared to contradict me. I’m great.
– Hey. You aren’t great. You are alone.
“Respect who doesn’t think like you.”.

If you listen you grow
(FCB Italia agency, 2001)

“The words of the others can enrich us. Listen to them.”.

Let’s improve ourselves
(ODG agency, 1995)

– Listen, have you read many books this year?
– No. No one, actually.
– Then, newspapers?
– Uhm…newspapers…no, I didn’t.
– Perhaps some course? Say English, computer?
– No. You know, lack of time…
– Then, what are you doing?
– Nothing.
– Nothing. But have you realized what you’re doing?
– It’s true. But from tomorrow things will change.
“Cultivate more interests. It’s your interest.”.

Above: “That mad says that two plus two doesn’t make four. What if he wasn’t mad?”, wallpaper detail.
(ODG agency, 1973)

*Meaning: advertising-progress
Requires Flash Player


Charley The National Archives present:
Public Information Films.

“In 1973 the incomprehensible pronouncements from a ginger cat named Charley warned children against strangers, matches, water safety and other everyday perils.”.
(Charley In The Kitchen)

“The Central Office of Information produce a wide range of information campaigns designed to inform the public on a huge range of issues which affect their daily lives, such as health, welfare, education and rights.”.

British humour included.
See, for example, The Fatal Floor (1974).

Further material on the Andrew Wisemans’s Television Room* (aka 625.uk.com). A must see.

Above: Charley – Strangers (1973), frame.
Material subject to Crown Copyright, ©The National Archives.

*Requires a Real Player.

Television presentation

A journey into the British TV web sites: how television presents itself.

ATV logo

Right: ATV Zoom (1957-1964), end frame. (625.uk.com)

Requires Flash player. *Requires a Real Player.


payphone “I was 15 or 16 years old at the time and can’t explain why but it felt powerful to do that, to pick up a phone and call any location on earth just to see who was there and to find out what they were doing.

I also remember calling a certain phone booth on Kennedy Boulevard, near the University of Tampa.
Often when I’d call that booth a drunk would answer.

I don’t remember saying anything when the winos answered that phone, but my actions might sound strange: into the phone I played tapes of myself playing piano.
Sometimes people listened. Other times they hung up.

Today I am a concert classical pianist, but I no longer play the random phone booth concert circuit.”.
(Mark A. Thomas)

The Payphone Project, by Mark A. Thomas.

Above: Phone on yellow pillar, by Tanner Beck.
Picture released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Miranda warning


“You have the right to remain silent. Do you wish to talk to us now?”.

Miranda warning card:
“virtually indestructible, includes the five rights as well as the waiver.
Front printed in English, back printed in Spanish. Price: $3.99.”

Ready to buy?
Chief Corporation)

Miranda warning
Categories : communication